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12/27/06 11:32 PM

#227942 RE: trust darwin #227936

ignorance is bliss - hey, a lot of people on this board live by those words. lol
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12/27/06 11:33 PM

#227943 RE: trust darwin #227936

taken from the old testament, maybe you should read the whole thing.
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12/28/06 12:10 AM

#227969 RE: trust darwin #227936

Look! The bible is a combination of Jewish history and myths. You can't take it verbatim. I grew up as a right wing Protestant, scared to death of hell, so I know all about the "good book." The bible is filled with gross contradictions. If God is the same yesterday, today, and forever then is it still his command and desire that gays be killed, adulterers be stoned, and slaves be kept? How come he tells us to forgive and then says vengeance is his and threatens those who have not believed in him with eternal torture? Why doesn't he practice what he preaches? Why does Jesus ask his disciples to slay those who doubt him? If Jesus and the father are one why does Jesus say in the Bible that he is unable to answer certain questions but must defer to the Father? Are they not equal? Is Jesus a demi-god? Is it fair to me that I would be sent to hell for not being a Christian when there is NO empirical evidence of God's existence while someone who he supposedly appeared to in the old testatment days gets to go to heaven? If there is a hell and he is concerned about us going there why doesn't he just make one grand appearance, show us all his glory, and prove to us he is real? Why should we be left to speculate?

Where was Jesus between the ages of 12 and 30 anyway? Isn't it interesting that other dieities of the day also mysteriously disappeared between the ages of 12 and 30 and were born to virgin mothers? Also, why do you think the authors said God was really 3 in one? Could that have had anything to do with the accepted pantheistic approach to religion of the day so as to make Christianity more palatable to the masses? Why does the apostle Paul think in his books that Jesus never walked on earth?

The answer that I've been given most of the time to these questions is that some day God will give us all answers. That is a cop out!

Doesn't the church strike you as a big business based on insurance? I think it was designed by insurance salesmen -- just in case there's a hell you had better come to church and pay your tithes and if there is a hell you will be saved. Just in case there's a hell you better get a policy. How do you get a policy? Give me 10% of your wages for life and do what I tell you God wants you to do and you won't go to hell. IT'S ALL ABOUT SCARING YOU OUT OF YOUR MONEY!

The bible is MUCH LIKE SLJB. There is truth mixed in with fiction. The most effective lie is one that is combined with truth. You can't prove to me there is a God and I can't prove there isn't one. We don't know.
Maybe she exists and maybe she doesn't................

Can you prove that the Hindu gods don't exist or the Muslim Allah? If I say the universe is ruled by the great pink elephant, Tinkasuttuhannehaha, can you prove she does not exist? NO! You can't quote scripture as truth. You can't have this debate without EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE. You can't quote the bible as proof that the bible is accurate on all topics, such logic is circular and specous.