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09/08/20 2:26 PM

#113947 RE: morg38off #113942

Just another attempt to fool traders.... What a real POS....WOW!!!


09/08/20 2:34 PM

#113949 RE: morg38off #113942

So what percentage of shares do we get in dividends, how long will it take to make back 44k, tkiu is not even on the open market, how is this even a good option?
Can someone give a better explanation, im having a massive brain fart.


09/08/20 2:45 PM

#113954 RE: morg38off #113942

Orie reply to clarification:"We are well into the execution of the plan. Wheels are in motion. This is not something that SEC gives approval – we just wanted to make certain we are completely transparent. "