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09/14/20 6:06 AM

#21590 RE: planetaryfuture #21589

Cryptocurrency Prospect's Entail "Dancing-With-The-Devil" .....

Our planetary status at this particular juncture of history ...... appears to be locked into an epic struggle to achieve a "comfortable footing" for all members of "Humankind" ..... from a social ..... health-oriented ..... and economic perspective .....

The time to act constructively with creative insight has arrived ..... while many firmly believe we are "late to the table" .....

Informed people understand "Central Banking" as practiced today offers no practical solution ..... other than pushing humanity into a state of eternal fiscal slavery for all generations to come ..... due to the inherent nature of "Fractional-Reserve-Banking" .....

While the function of practically all regulatory agencies appears to be little more than playing the role of "status-quo-shills" ..... the well-positioned gatekeepers protecting elite special interests ..... propped-up by generous Congressional "persuasion funding" ..... leading to expected results ..... seldom as trust-worthy as the purchase value of a $3 bill ..... In short ..... the general populace appears to be left ..... "holding-the-bag" ..... with slim hopes for change .....

Many visionary observers see the prospect of Cryptocurrency as a practical solution ..... despite potent resistance from authoritarian controlling agencies ..... along with self-serving "elite special interests" ..... The term "COMPROMISE" has apparently become anathema for those poised to render decisions ..... on behalf of a concerned electorate .....

Are a few people prepared to "sink-all-ships" for the sake of promoting their self-serving agenda's ? ..... It seems so !!! .....

Also ..... mankind has been instrumental relative to the emergence of "super-bugs" ..... since micro-organisms have the innate ability to mutate into another form ..... Only the big "Drug-Baron's" want us to believe they might have a remedy ..... since they will likely harvest "windfall profits" ..... though practically speaking ..... the issue appears to be ..... a lost cause !!! ..... few people wish to embrace from a common sense perspective .....

A great deal of information has been imparted by way of the stringer of posts immediately following this one ..... I am hoping ..... at least a few people ..... might get serious relative to finding some practical answers toward today's pressing problems .....

I believe it can be done !!! ..... though it will require a "sea-change" in terms of collective attitude ..... along with a vital spirit of sincere cooperation .....

Otherwise ..... "If we continue dancing-with-the-devil ..... the logical consequence will be ..... getting burned together !!!" .....

My heart goes out to all souls who may be suffering !!! .....

Best Wishes