This is good, but many wonder what their calling is, we are given gifts but many do not recognize or know what that gift may be. We tell folks God calls us, true, but if a person does not feel called or doors do not open, what then... sometimes the calling is just to walk the walk, not everyone is called to sing, preach, or teach, so where does that leave those who feeling empty——- great question that is seldom addressed——walk the walk, walk the Christian path, let you daily life be a light in a dark world.....I am now 77 , recently I was right on the fence of stepping off in to eternity, for what ever reason I did not die, so it left me with the idea that God a had a purpose for me, I waited and waited and God never gave me that purpose, oh wait!!! Yes he did , I was just to blind to see, I was not needed to preach, teach,,, I was only to walk the walk, when the Holy Spiirit opened the door I was to speak up——-let your light do shine that others can see—— if each Christian really did this—-WOW, If I say anymore I will suffer foot in mouth disease..... so God Bless