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Jiminy Cricket

09/03/20 9:29 AM

#17000 RE: prophetseeker #16999

You sure this POS is ever gonna be pumped bigly again?

I can't believe y'all losers hung around this long and pump every time a few hundred dollars of volume comes in LOL LOL LOL


09/21/20 9:53 AM

#17009 RE: prophetseeker #16999

YEAH RIGHT ! WRONG!! i bet no insider even responds to the suspension and this eled gets revoked. the symbiote? those peeps just lost their 11 million usd?! was it really that much they got taken for? or was that made up too? the last flurry in the stock was for mms to get out and lift their short before the sec hammer came down. imo


09/21/20 2:27 PM

#17010 RE: prophetseeker #16999

why is it hard to project about Hal doing anything . even when the stock ran to .05 yrs ago he said he didn't know why ??? !!! and he has said absolutely nothing since. not even a will see. and now that ELED is suspended he says absolutely nothing and neither do his attys! prove me wrong!!! a late filing notice then absolutely nothing.