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09/01/20 1:28 PM

#352317 RE: Briboy #352316

quit trying to be deliberate...deliberation is over. It is over for this man.

....OPOS POTUS...say it as 2 words..say it 5 times quick.. it rolls off the tongue, slides out the butt...we have all had this shade of a dump. #dumpDump.

Orange Piece of Shit President of the United States
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09/01/20 1:42 PM

#352318 RE: Briboy #352316

While you ponder. Let me be clear...OPOS POTUS.
WHY THE FUCQK CAN'T I TRAVEL TO THE USA. If it wasn't for this rotting rancid Orange POS the pandemic would have been shut down in March, like Canada, where I can travel anywhere in the world except USA.
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09/01/20 2:04 PM

#352319 RE: Briboy #352316

he does lie every time I have seen him speak. if you think the reality is different, that is your lack of mental acuity, not ours.
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09/01/20 2:25 PM

#352320 RE: Briboy #352316

well, since you are in full harness to the trump crime family, and the fact that the economy is what most voters respond to.. consider that there are over 180,000 needles deaths, 30 million unemployed, $7 trillion more in debt, negative GDP, we cannot travel to most countries, and most of it sits squarely on the shoulders of the shitgibbon who fiddled while the virus spread.

comparison: only about 1000 people have died in japan, their unemployment is a little over 6%, they only did a partial shutdown, and their economy is healthy... the only measurable difference in how they did it? almost everyone wears a mask.

Meanwhile, the moron politicized masks to the point that cult members refuse to wear them, while normal people realize it is exhibiting respect to the other members of the community and deal with inconvenience for the benefit of society as a whole. You trumpsters shudder at the idea of doing something that might benefit others. Just like the bible teaches, eh?
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09/01/20 2:48 PM

#352322 RE: Briboy #352316

In Trump's HAHA "Mind" he will consider every one of his LIES as an Accomplishment.

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09/01/20 9:47 PM

#352336 RE: Briboy #352316

Briboy, You as one of the old evangelist Christians still supporting Trump don't care
that your president lies so much. He is the "Chosen One." Nothing else matters.

We get it. A flawed man is all part of your theocratic leaning long-term game.

Faith and freedoms: why evangelicals profess unwavering love for Trump
"Church of The Donald
"Donald Trump’s Presidential Run Began in an Effort to Gain Stature


On the DeVos family's supporting Michigan unrest this point should not be sidelined either

The apocalyptic myth that helps explain evangelical support for Trump


A theology for times of crisis, real or imagined, the Last World Emperor narrative actually requires a flawed lay hero in the model of the biblical King David — proud, combative and sexually impure but beloved by God not just despite his transgressions but because of them. The prophesied leader must also be militant, prepared to cleanse the West of the impure (which includes not only dissidents and unbelievers but also, as in many Christian religious myths, Jews), reunite “Western Civilization” and violently destroy the power of both the Antichrist and Islam. In the process, he will bring about the second coming. It is, in other words, an ideology built on anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim and anti-heretic persecution.

Perry’s and White’s implicit allusions to this tradition would just be rhetoric if others in the administration weren’t actively bolstering similar notions. Within the government, Vice President Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo .. , Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and others bolster .. .. the connection between Trump’s presidency and the promise of a Christian Empire. None of them are speaking explicitly about the Last World Emperor, of course, and it’s entirely possible that none of them has even heard of the story, but that’s not how powerful prophecies work. Even when they’re not an explicit part of the conversation, they provide a framework to guide and justify actions, or to give hope for the future. In this case, the framework of apocalypticism is a framework of hope: A dominant power group, feeling their power threatened, applies a prophecy from a time of similar power collapse to justify actions that range for immoral to unconstitutional via religious doctrine.

No doubt there is an even deeper and longer agenda in play here too.

That was posted on Just Policy, here -

It's good to see a number of younger American evangelists have dropped their support of Trump.