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09/01/20 5:59 AM

#136252 RE: samstockguru #136251

The mid west is in trumps pocket also the black vote is bigger, people are sick and tired of the bickering the democrats have been doing, they have lots of negitive too say, but no concrete solutions to any problems in there own states that are broke from fraud just not doing the right thing, defund police? you are kidding me, we would be in the wild wild west everyone having too whair a fire arm.

America does not want this socalist BS, GREEN NEW DEAL and no gas they are nuts, if they think they will win on that platform never going to happen. i sent trump 500.00 last month and will send another 500.00 this month, money is the only thing that will win for us.

Wait tell biden has to debate trump he will loss, biden cant get out of his own way, trump will clean the floor with him, they dems want to duck the debates but they will be dead if they do it, trump knows if he does the people will not like it much, for two hundred years we have had debates.