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08/31/20 3:50 PM

#352260 RE: Briboy #352257

Father Time accepts you had/have and will have selective hindsight/insight and foresight yesterday/today and tomorrow.

He has given up on the thought - "this is baffling".

Dale C

08/31/20 3:51 PM

#352261 RE: Briboy #352257

If he were a man I would treat him like a man but he is a figment of his own imagination.


08/31/20 3:56 PM

#352264 RE: Briboy #352257

shat insight.


08/31/20 4:26 PM

#352266 RE: Briboy #352257

He is an honest man

You are not even trying. anyone who considers trump an honest man has no situational awareness. When he paid off stormy daniels his lawyer got jailed, and he is an unindicted co-conspirator. Do honest men cheat on their wives, lie about it, then turn on the guy who was his payoff guy? The evidence that he is not an honest man is so overwhelming that it is not even believable that he is honest. How many thousand people did he not pay after having work done?

I guess since you are an evangelical you are fascinated by his sexual attentions to his daughter. The most immoral man I have ever seen, and you have such a man-crush on him that you are blind to his dangerous tendencies. But nice trolling job, absurd posts often work to help Team Russia and Trump get through the day.


08/31/20 4:33 PM

#352267 RE: Briboy #352257


08/31/20 4:34 PM

#352268 RE: Briboy #352257


08/31/20 5:40 PM

#352271 RE: Briboy #352257

This idiot is blissfully unaware of what is going on around him, a trait you share with him. He cannot even bring himself to say the names of the slaughtered. Shameful.


08/31/20 8:46 PM

#352284 RE: Briboy #352257

Briboy, "He is an honest man,..." You drove off the cliff with that. Your "He is an honest man" bullshit you know in all real ways is not true. You say he is honest because 'he says what he thinks.' Where is the honesty in that from a man who lies as much as your president lies. All of a sudden lying is what an honest man does, eh? Wine into water. "It's a miracle."

Tyrants say what they think. Breivik said what he thought. Some reading for you

Isis and al-Qaeda jihadists hail Donald Trump's historic win: He'll ruin America

.. and earlier ..

Qaeda Affiliate Uses Video of Donald Trump for Recruiting
By LIAM STACK JAN. 1, 2016
.. both here ..


Anders Behring Breivik and the Tea Party GOP


kozuh, George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq' .


Here are some Christian terrorists, for your viewing pleasure:

All first together here ..


08/31/20 9:12 PM

#352289 RE: Briboy #352257

You're one dumb POS.


09/01/20 10:24 AM

#352305 RE: Briboy #352257

The Fake President, Dummy Trump, is in his own little world

and cannot accept reality.

He LIES (almost) every time he opens his mouth.

a couple examples:
All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus

An unfinished compendium of Trump’s overwhelming dishonesty during a national emergency
Christian Paz August 31, 2020


LYIN' TRUMP'S LIES -- Fact Checker Analysis

In 1,267 days, President Trump has made 20,055 false or misleading claims

The Fact Checker’s ongoing database of the false or misleading claims made by President Trump since assuming office.

Updated July 9, 2020
Originally published May 19, 2017. We aim to update the database about once every two months or whenever key thresholds are reached.


09/02/20 1:55 PM

#352402 RE: Briboy #352257

He is an honest man....???


10/26/20 10:14 AM

#356627 RE: Briboy #352257

- The was you guys treat the man is disgusting -

THIS "man" definitely is disgusting.