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08/31/20 7:20 AM

#161837 RE: Mr. Fister #161836

The settlement is already known to the market but the traded volume is drying out.

"The market" might want it to be final to react more.
Also, has anyone tried buying with Nordnet (Sweden) lately? As far as I know they can only buy penny stocks if it's marked "Penny stock exempt". The stop sign and removal of penny stock exempt might have removed many potential buyers?


08/31/20 8:19 AM

#161839 RE: Mr. Fister #161836

Yes. In October the settlement will be approved, and information regarding the Tri-way $63mil dividend will be broadly known via the voting process. The settlement includes stripping Solomon of much of his control and handing it to two deep pocketed professional investors with major skin in the game. It also includes important corporate governance and reporting initiatives, and the Tri-way dividend. Any shareholder voting against it, the best development for SIAF since the Tri-way dividend was initially announced in 2018, is trying to be spiteful, and is willing to lose money being spiteful. Unless you see hundreds of thousands of shares trying to be sold by insider Plaintiffs who hold millions of shares, this is on track to be a $1 plus stock. If it did not possess that type of value, the Plaintiffs would have never thrown more money into it, bought more stock, or hired new lawyers to push it through the finish line. They would have simply bailed, and dumped their shares already.