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Al Tillis

12/10/03 3:17 AM

#350 RE: uthabros #349

Internet Update from Jamie ...

Dear Investor,

My apologies for the long silence, but in an effort not to jeopardize the contract with the Commonwealth of Kentucky while it was under review as a result of the protest filed by another company whose project proposal was rejected, discretion seemed to be the better part of valor.

From comments I have received personally, as well as those made in the public forums, there is a high level of frustration — to say the least — regarding the delay in filings. I share that frustration. Simply put, it’s the fate of the cash-poor, concept-rich company that we are. All I can tell you is that we are doing the best with what we have, but so far that’s not good enough.

As you know from the audit, at least two of us have a very large stake in this venture. I can assure you that no one I know is in any way working against the best interests of the Company. Suggestions to the contrary are wildly off the mark. Those who are making such suggestions will be dealt with in the appropriate manner at the proper time. For now, however, we have bigger fish to fry.

Although we are contractually prohibited from making public comments about the progress of the project, I can assure you that we have had a series of extremely successful meetings with participants in the project since the contract was reaffirmed, and are back on our original schedule. Because of the protest, however, we are exactly 90 days behind where we should be.

The Kentucky project is critical to our business plan, as most of the other regulatory states, particularly those in the Rogers Fund program, are watching our progress before making a commitment. Unfortunately, in these extremely tight budget times, only a daring public-private initiative such as ours has any prospect for success, given that the grant award covers just about 10% of the total development requirements.

Again, because of our contractual obligations, we will not be as open in our communications as we have been in the past. A lack of information should not be regarded as negative. In fact, in this case, no news is good news.

In the meantime, we wish you and yours a very happy Holiday season and are confident the new year will bring us all the blessings we deserve.

Best regards,

Best wishes,

James Kemper Millard
President & Chief Executive Officer

Equity Technologies & Resources, Inc.
325 West Main Street, Suite 240

Post Office Box 12012

Lexington, Kentucky 40579

VOX: 859.268.4446

eFAX: 419.821.3646

This communication may contain forward-looking statements. The Company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

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