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08/29/20 2:54 PM

#199640 RE: rayovac812 #199637

if the world doesn't blow up with more things like pandemics

Not to be the harbinger of doom, but the list of possible disasters that could derail Kraig Labs is a lot longer than those two. War, natural disaster, sabotage, accident to upper management, a pandemic that makes Covid look like the sniffles and on and on and on. Though a lot of things are unlikely nothing is impossible. While not paranoid I try not to take a 9/10/01 view of the world. Every day that goes by without news of a contract with a big name customer just leaves the door open for the unlikely. After all a past history of God's plans can be quite frightening.
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08/29/20 5:28 PM

#199653 RE: rayovac812 #199637

"Some want to show good performance over time."

a follow-on offering is not the time to make a long term buy...the follow-on offering of a 14 cent stock that is dead broke and making nothing is REALLY not the time to make a long term buy...

if kblb does a 1-40 r/s and jumps onto nasdaq, do you REALLY think large smart institutional investors will buy into kblb as a long term investment?...they may no longer be dead broke by virtue of just having bled $10 mil out of their dead broke company but they still will not have produced anything...

and although shareholders may jump for joy at eggs being shipped, i can assure you that institutional investors do not think like penny stock investors...

"Some are happy to see the share price decline before they jump in"

you mean like in any stock on any day of the week?...

"Some talk it down or have respectable mouthpieces talk it down, all the while having plans to buy in."

i have only seen one occasion where a poster has said something that affected the stock in the last ten the idea that someone can "talk it down" is almost zero...and actually ridiculous to even state...

"What sells is when the world figures out top end or good yearly sales numbers and value."

thats nice...but i thought we were talking about what may occur as a result of this up listing process that kblb is in...

"Investors are willing to wait many years, as is the case for most biotechs."

well its been 10 years now...and institutional investors are not in the business of buying millions of shares of a company just to wait years for results...their efforts are appraised quarterly...they need results a whole lot sooner than "years" down the road...

"They wait those many years because of the expected returns."

penny stock investors will...and mostly because they get stuck bag holding or believing that "soon" really means "soon"...

"If someone isn't sold on KBLB's long term success, then this is as good a place as any, to sell us on why that won't happen."

kblb has a shot at long term success...particularly if a new BOD can be convinced to dump the idiot running this company...

but believing in the possibility of long term success doesn't mean just buying shares at any old damn price...there were calls to back up the truck and buy shares at .50 .40 .30 .20...and they were all dead wrong...

ill wait to see how things go and jump in when i see a really good reason too...even if someone buys in at .40 and the stock goes to 5 bucks...whats wrong with making 12 times your money?...not enough?

"KBLB is one of the most ideal investments on the planet."

no it isnt...look at nvda, tsla, aapl or any number of the biggest, most stable stocks in the the last few months they have gone up 50- 100%...kblb is trading a little lower than it was 5 months ago...

kblb has potential, but it has not done nor proven ANYTHING...

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08/29/20 10:48 PM

#199672 RE: rayovac812 #199637

no one has given me a believable scenario for failure.

The inability to mass produce quality consistent fiber at a cost effective price.

It is what everyone is waiting for.

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08/31/20 8:43 AM

#199702 RE: rayovac812 #199637

“no one has given me a believable scenario for failure.”

1) Thompson gets Covid-19 and is incapacitated/dies. Widow tires of funding and demands repayment of loans.

2) KBLB is unable to ship eggs to Vietnam in 2020. Randy Lewis and China develop silkworms based on Darwin’s Bark spider, announce large-scale production. KBLB struggles and dies from competition selling silk at a loss. China monopoly raises price afterwards.

You may not think either scenario is likely, but the probabilities are surely greater than zero.