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08/29/20 5:10 PM

#80343 RE: priles #80342

The question needs to be asked, "why did Greg allow Maurizio to buy the Alto for 25 million Auryn shares. The sale of the Alto should have been approved by the shareholders.....!!Auryn first offered millions for the Alto, but instead Greg allowed them to pull the offer off the table for Auryn shares. Auryn is a private company so did we even know what those shares were worth at the time? This whole thing doesn't pass the smell test.

Auryn Chile sold the Alto to CDCH/Auryn for 6.5 billion restricted shares. Then we were told that they would distribute the Auryn shares to the Medinah shareholders as a dividend. In December 2019 Medinah announced the restriction on the shares had been removed and they would now be distributed to the Medinah shareholders.
We are still waiting, waiting, tic toc, tic toc....!
I sent an email several weeks ago to one of the officers of Auryn reminding them that they promised to be transparent and keep shareholders informed in a timely manner. Last update was November of 2019. I am still waiting for a response.
How sad that with the price of gold continuing to increase, it appears Maurizio has no intention of bringing our claims to production anytime soon.