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08/30/20 2:54 AM

#71750 RE: Cbrnlol #71744

Yep, nothing but massive lawsuits and failure here...good day or two of trading long ago though.


08/30/20 12:07 PM

#71751 RE: Cbrnlol #71744

Some might say that but how many OTC companies in the MJ space have outside investors? Name any that you can think of?

I’d be very interested to hear of any? Most poorly capitalised companies that want outside funding seem to go down the toxic funding route for the same reason. What’s the reason? For toxic funding 1) because they don’t have to explain to a bank manager or the toxic funder what they did with the money and 2) companies go the toxic funding route because then they don’t have to share the profits with anyone but themselves!

This company is completely different. They’re self financing!

Enough said!