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08/26/20 3:35 PM

#127353 RE: Hottip #127352

I'm saying saying 30 work days in Q1 (march essentially) where fluid sales were beginning to move up and more production on the 20th day than the 10th etc. Jan and Feb.. I'll call them the olden times. 2020 PC


08/26/20 3:35 PM

#127354 RE: Hottip #127352

You are trying too hard! lol

Long term

08/26/20 4:02 PM

#127371 RE: Hottip #127352

Long term Member Level
Monday, July 27, 2020 6:32:59 PM
Quick guesstimate ( alter what you think's off in red)

This is only for liquid production!

My estimate was & 8.00 per gal…Wrong

48.98 1 gal container shipping cost $5.00/gal up to 1000 mi.
* I know this to be accurate(shipping).
28.84 5 gal container($144.20) shipping cost $20.00/5 gal up to 1000 mi
26.49 55 gal drum($1456.95) shipping cost $275 /55 gal drum up to 1000 mi
18.48 275 gal tote($5,082) shipping cost $1375 / tote up to 1000 mi
Costumers pays shipping

First get the costumers then lease the machines it saves them shipping

Average of the above = $30.70
24/7 =168 hr per week
=x 583 gal per hr=24hr
=13,992 gal per day x 7
= 686,000 gal per week
=4wks=2,744,000 gal per mo
2,744,000 gal per mo x $30.70 average price per gal= $84,240,800
12 mo x 84,240,800=$1,010,889,600

That’s $276,956.0.54 / day @ 24/7
“O” forgot FT Wayne’s 4000/day unsure if that’s 24/7

Labor average $25.00 / hour
All staff 20 @ $25.00 / hr 168 hr / wk =84,000/wk…x 4 wks = 336,000./.mo
Overstated…. ALL will not be working 2nd & 3rd shifts
Insurance (product liability)…………………………………………………. $35,000 / mo
Insurance (Plant)……………………………………………………………………..$6,000 / mo
Benefits (Labor) $7500 x 20=………………………………………………..$150,000 / mo
Plant & equipment ………………………………………………………………$100,000 / mo
Water @ .5 / gal x using 2,744,000 gal /mo= …………………….$1,372,000 / mo
Electric……………………………………………………………………………….. $300,000 / mo
Down time 10% of 24/7 = 2.028 hrs/day x 7=14.196hr / wk
4.2 gal produced / hr @ $30.70/hr=$745.00/day x 7=
$5220.2 x 4=………………………………………………………………………..$20880.8 / mo
Salt ?
Total costs……………………………………………………………………….. $2,319,880 / mo

NOTE: would expect the largest volume of sales goes to distributors and do so by the tote that will bring totals down probably in a little more than half.

There are some distributors that have units (leased or purchased?) at their locations expect their pp gal is equal to what they were paying for the liquid, yet they get the benefit of saving what would equal ½ the cost for shipping PCTL gets the other half. IE: if shipping was $5000.00 / mo they save $2500 we capyure $2500 more. That would be included in the lease. Note: if leased the machines remain on our books & we take depreciation. Advantage to customer if it goes down we immediately switch it out for repair paying all costs.

What size units are they offering…# of gal’s they produce / hour or per day (3 shifts). Do we receive on a daily basis a report of their production (for billing)?