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08/26/20 4:22 AM

#112749 RE: Ole Broke Azz #112748

He should break out the old CO 2 machine that was the wrong machine. It was named pepeoil. Rob Foster had to eat crow over that chit. Wrong machine. Lol

Prudent Capitalist

11/24/21 3:17 PM

#116113 RE: Ole Broke Azz #112748

We sure do miss you and your crack DD and institutional knowledge here with CGRA Ole Broke Azz. The current situation could use some of your sage knowledge and advice on all things CGRA.

surly Wright isn't out of material to develop a story

hell, circle back around to one of the old bullchit stories. Maybe he could announce hiring a consultant again to figure out how to make money on the sand and water coming from powder river

how about a new auditing firm to put those finishing touches on that 4 year old audit

come on Wright, you have already proven that you have quite the imagination... you can do it
