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08/25/20 4:55 AM

#338495 RE: sidedraft #338494

That is hysterical! And oh, so apropos. There should be more honoraria handed out like this.

“We are going to rename it the John Oliver Memorial Sewer Plant,” Mayor Mark Boughton said in a Facebook video posted on Saturday. “Why? Because it’s full of crap just like you, John.”

The Cambridge-educated Oliver responded to the renaming in his show on Sunday, telling the whole town to “go f... yourselves.”

... Because, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, fuck Danbury. Babies. Elderly. Pets. Buildings. All of you can go f... yourselves.”

"Cambridge-educated" and the f-word is the best he can come up with? Lots of class. Mostly lower. Sheesh. And I can guarantee he thinks he's superior to the lesser educated hoi polloi his advertisers rely on for their income... which in turn pays his.

Perfect example of how (dubious) higher education is destroying this country.

Morning, sidedraft.
When I need a chuckle today, I'll think of the John Oliver Memorial Sewage Plant.
Thanks. <g>