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08/24/20 4:58 PM

#128651 RE: FergusVI #128649

Well said!! Glenn did a great job even with forces against him all the time ! This is all just the beginning of something very HUGE!!! Tomorrow will be an even better day then today! If Glenn strikes this time while the iron is hot , god knows where this will go with fomo !!


08/24/20 6:44 PM

#128659 RE: FergusVI #128649

I give credit to glenn for all the work he put in. I've stated that. But I've also stated that hard work DOES NOT give him the right to be an asshole and attack shareholders, then go publicly on twitter and say HE WAS THE ONE being attacked. Does hard work give someone the right to be an indecent human?

A few days ago, after his little rant, I pointed out one little thing, then he attacked me privately and called me names. That's what started this war. And this is not the first time he has gotten into a pissing match with shareholders. I'm guessing he's like this everywhere he goes in life.

There's a fair amount of irony in his little childish twitter rant about "being attacked on ihub" when HE WAS THE ONE that started the attacking.

He opened this can of worms. He made this bed....
