I agree with that. There's more going on here than retail, and certainly more than just ihub money.
I generally see ASCM as an enemy. I have witnessed them wrecking many hot stocks in the past, taking their plunder and leaving.
But with SOLS I think longs are getting a positive side effect from their presence. Instead of crushing the pps, they are working to keep it in check. Holding it down at times, but also letting it breathe and run at times. I also might add that they are having a tough time of it. Buying pressure has overwhelmed them at times and it looked to me like various other market makers such as CFGN and CDEL have had to step in and help out.
I have been very impressed with how this stock has traded for the last month. Never going too far too fast makes for a very healthy uptrend.
Because of past experiences with ASCM I would love to see them get a good ass kicking, but I know that stocks that rise fast almost always fall even faster.
SOLS longs are in a really good place right now.