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12/24/06 12:46 PM

#9260 RE: jcrom56 #9259

jcrom, to me, it's not really so much that you are trying to cast doubt on this company...but it's just that we've heard it all before...we really, really have...allie

FWIW: So, if anyone investing here, or in any other pink, isn't aware of the inherent risk of investing in pinks, then they shouldn't be here, and investing in any pinks or start ups...all in my opinion, of course.

There are some basic rules when investing in pinks or any start up company....

1. Be prepared to lose all of your investment or break even, if you're lucky...there are no guarantees.

2. Do extensive DD above and beyond the expected norm...that includes going to management and speaking/communicating with them personally. Also, research and get a complete understanding of the market for the company you're investing in.(If anyone is investing in any startup without doing that...good luck)
If you only looked at the stats, in order to make an investment decision, then you deserve what you get.

3. Ascertain the degree of risk you are personally willing to take, continue to do your own DD, and determine your exit strategy...whatever it may be, short or long term.

4. If everything goes wrong...refer back to rule #1...and remember, you knew the risks, don't whine about it.

5. If you make money...congratulate yourself for maintaining rule number 2 and never forgetting, the most important rule, number 1.


12/24/06 1:02 PM

#9261 RE: jcrom56 #9259


Ok, I understand now. I guess I would have scepticism (sic) durring (sic) a dejavous (sic) moment too, if I had not "looked under the hood" for DD other than reading a few chat boards here and there as you stated you have done.

You apparently live in the fairy tail world you described, You have not tried the product, You have not talked to Spooz and you are self appointed to spread doom and gloom on boards where you have no stake. To me, that is what bashers or immature people do to get attention and/or buy in at a lower price. Which is it with you?

As you can tell, I have just as much right to expose your tactics as you have to express your half informed "opinion"

Now, let's see if you can keep your word: "I will refrain from further posts until after the next big release."

see ya