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08/25/20 1:03 PM

#11454 RE: Marshster #11453

Hi WOW and Marshster,

Great question Marshster. My two thoughts on the huge slide in SRNE -

1. Ran too quickly too fast with no news. Many people unaware of their pipeline aside from COVID items, panicked. They were simply in it to play a COVID stock IMO. With no news, they pulled plug

2. CFO fired for unknown reason for common shareholders but not for others - hence, your questions to WOW.

I do understand why no PRs/news...with the ambulance chasers waiting to pounce as evidenced when they parsed words of Dr. Ji, then threatened lawsuits when it fell back from $10 - I'd keep my mouth shut too!


Did you two hang on during this large decline? My wife was not happy with me for not selling. My avg. cost is <$4. Bought a bunch.

Any other concerns you two?
Buying any calls? If so, which?

Thanks, I am off to have a Busch Latte.


08/31/20 12:28 PM

#11455 RE: Marshster #11453

Hi Wow, Any thoughts on XPEV vs NIO?