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10/14/03 2:51 PM

#17840 RE: deeba #17837

deeba, And do you know how things really are? If the future is bright for New Visuals/Rim, are you taking advantage of this ridiculously low share price to gooble up all you can. And if not, why not?

I've given some thought to averaging down. Have a couple thousand put away for that purpose. But if the company doesn't turn around before the end of the year, I may have to sell any shares I have to assure a tax loss. Throwing in even more money at this point that I may have to pull out in a month or so would seem foolhardy. That is unless funding is coming through this week or next.

How things really are, are that we have been told for a couple of years at least that funding talks are being conducted with the implication that funding is just around the corner. Over a year ago at the meeting in San Diego we were told that funding may not be necessary as the movie revenues might take us there.

But every time someone grumbles about the inconsistency between what the company says it's doing and what transpires, we are told we are idiots that don't know what's going on.

In the meantime, most of us have lost tens of thousands of dollars or more betting on the integrity of the board at this company.


10/14/03 4:12 PM

#17849 RE: deeba #17837

Deeba, While I agree with Family's post, You seem to "Know how things really are" can you explain "how things really are"



10/14/03 5:40 PM

#17853 RE: deeba #17837

deebster- I have to disagree with you when you say that we don't know how things really are. I personally have over three years worth of FACTS to back me up when I say we have been deceived. What facts do you have to show us that things are going well other than more BS words from the company? I submit to you that you are in denial. Any optomism you have is based on BLIND FAITH. That is unless you are getting inside information. Is there anything wrong with having blind faith? NO. But there is something wrong with attacking people for NOT having blind faith. Why don't you try doing a little due diligence on Ivan B. and the offshore transactions and see where it leads you my friend. Who was it that said Ivan had impeccable credentials? Oh yeah, I think it was Trexville. That figures...happy dd'ing.