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08/19/20 3:54 PM

#490 RE: m0n #489

Actually, I was trying to upload here for a long time. I wasn't able to get much under .01. I went ahead and took a gamble on 100,000 shares at .019 just now. My original order under .01 still stands.

08/19/20 15:38PM EDT Buy 80600 SWRL Executed @ $0.0199

08/19/20 15:37PM EDT Buy 9400 SWRL Executed @ $0.0199

08/19/20 15:37PM EDT Buy 10000 SWRL Executed @ $0.0199

That's today's buy only.

I have zero visibility though. That's pure gamble. I only liked it previously as an nice empty shell with a clean history. I actually own 1,500 shares of RMCF, which bought this company long ago. SWRL violated its loan convenants, and RMCF bought them. Long story, and shareholders of SWRL felt victimizied but it was all legit, and RMCF is legit. Or rather, bought what SWRL used to be. It is now only a shadow of its former self -- an empty shell.

But when I saw 1M shares today, I just took the plunge. And that could be all it is. momentum begets momentum. Or, maybe there is more to it. I just have no idea.