(big sigh) plutoniumimplosion, you really don't understand even if others and I already explained to you.
Can anyone help me understand based on the Quarterly Report and the April 7th PR???
--- Now read the following quote from the Quarterly Report saying "The company first filed on application ~ on April 3 and received PEUA, but not just EUA."
According to the April 7th News, Berman said he filed an application and received the Pre-EUA designation &PEUA200232.
DECN's Quarterly Report submitted on August 14 :
--- By a second EUA application Berman should have written "[color=red]Pre-Eua[/color]" like the April 7th PR , instead of just the "EUA application."
After April 7, Berman just keep saying "EUA" applications, but he should have stated "Pre-EUA." --- The SEC file in July said the company is still in the Pre-EUA stage.
--- Remember that DECN received only PRE-EUA numbers ( i.e. PEUA200232 & PEUA200947), but not EUA submission number such as EUA2019 like Plexense, INC.