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The oNiOnHEAd

08/19/20 9:54 AM

#108009 RE: Mymani #107986

The problem with studies is that someone will get the placebo. I advocated for someone in Houston to get leronlimab, last week. When I contacted a study investigator in Dallas, she was all over it! But on realizing the poor schmuck could get a shot that was saline, I told the patient's family try to go for the real deal via another way, instead.

With Covid-19, and with a drug where remarkable safety has already been established for other indications, the families of critically ill patients should have the final say on whether or not the patients gets the medicine - not the government/FDA. Could safety still be an issue with Covid-19, given leronlimab has shown exemplary safety profile in other indications? Sure. But it it's not a government bureaucrat whose life is at stake.