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08/18/20 8:10 AM

#75962 RE: MadBrewer #75958

This link works for the almost one and a half hour Millie Weaver video.

crazy horse 0

08/18/20 10:18 AM

#75977 RE: MadBrewer #75958

What a shame they do not want us to know what is really going on censorship !

Millie Weaver, she's 29, mother of two & TPTB want to Snowden & Assange her.

She had 1.4mil views in 2 days before
YT pulled for "hate speech"???.

This story will just get "forgotten" & "buried" if not kept alive.

Quote:Other YT links below;

Other NON-YT links;


crazy horse 0

08/18/20 10:24 AM

#75979 RE: MadBrewer #75958

Read a friend, The Weaver film just could be the most important item you ever sent me. Sorry Commie YouTube absurdly tanked it for "Hate speech." I spent hours trying to transcribe what I could in advance. You might want to send this out. Love you, my friend. Richard

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Good evening, America.

Millie Weaver’s documentary will be met with a swift disinformation campaign to discredit the film and defame the author. I have carefully watched and evaluated this film- and have concluded that NOBODY “could possibly make this stuff up.” The two whistle blowers are especially fascinating. Currently more than 1,320,656 views since released August 14, 2020…

Here are some salient points- sometimes with my own added clarification.

Invasive software created for our military and intelligence agencies to mine data from social media platforms and shape the belief systems of targeted groups is now being used by rogue corporations to create talking points for Fake News, foment social upheaval and civil unrest, influence elections and destroy President Trump. The “Obama-gate” scandal only is the proverbial “tip of the iceberg.”

You rarely if ever see the names and faces of the “shadow government” contractors who so deftly pull the strings behind what we have long called a “velvet curtain.” Dirty little politicians like Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and the like are only cheap marionettes performing as directed in the hypocritical halls of Congress and on the phony stages of Fake News.

These “shadow government” contractors in private corporations operating outside the confines of the Federal Government largely comprise the “military/industrial complex” that President Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address. President Kennedy gave similar warnings about “secret societies” which candor helped bring about his assassination.

Whistleblower Patrick Bergy, who worked for Dynology Corporation for several years, explains that ShadowNet is the commercial version of the Internet Interactive Activity (IIA) software used by defense contractors to wage social media psychological warfare. These clandestine microtargeted cyber activities are the logical, but infinitely more effective and powerful, extension of “dropping leaflets from airplanes.”

Whistleblower Tore tells us that “our intelligence doesn’t stay within our borders or within federal buildings.” She also relates that ShadowNet is used to “get into the minds” of “a whole country, a city, a certain religious group, or a six-block radius like CHAD.” The gleaned information is then used to push the particular demographic in the desired direction. Making the most of a current crisis, like not allowing the current COVID-19 pandemic go to waste, is a prime example. On the military side, hijacking an Afghan election is another.

More frightening, Bergy states that where these activities and algorithms were once predominantly accomplished by analysts, automated artificial intelligence is now the main means to surreptitiously control individual target groups.

Both the McCain and Obama 2008 campaigns used ShadowNet technology to influence the 2008 Presidential election.

Millie Weaver reports that also in 2008, “The group of whistleblowers from the NSA and other classified data collection agencies, referred to as the Global Surveillance Whistleblowers, were used as a vector to legalize what was then illegal dragnet spying on everyone 24/7.”

Millie continues, “The FISA Amendment Act 2008 had section 702 that permitted the government to spy on citizens with a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The NSA data system collects everything through what’s called the ‘upstream’ where everything is stored for 72 hours, then dumped. However, if one could twin this stream of data, they could privatize it. Imagine what you could do with that!”

These clandestine corporations include, among others, Global Strategies Group, Dynology Corporation, 3e DC Strategic Partners, Canadian Global Information (CGI) AND The Analysis Corporation (TAC). “They all do the same thing… except that Global Strategies Group was actually a hub for all information, in and out,” Tore explains.

TAC is run by none other than John Brennan. Imagine that!
When former CIA director John Brennan wants to know something thought to be contained in forbidden servers, he arranged a “hack” to cover his tracks- and when necessary employed a second operative to replace that information with something more to his liking.

Tore states in regard to the CGI Stanley passport incident, “See, Brennan has a certain MO, okay. When he wants to get something, he pretends to do a hack. So I was asked when I was stateside, I was asked, ‘Hey, would you go by that office and pull off all this data from the State Department.’ And so, ‘Of course, I will.’ I put it on two rugged drives.”

She continues, “And then, later, ‘Oh, they were hacked. And I’m thinking, ‘I didn’t hack anything. I was told to do it… And if I removed it (meaning that hacked information), that means there was someone else there to replace it.”

And this is really important: “UNDER BRENNAN’S DIRECTION, (Edward Joseph) Snowden created a data bridge from the NSA data base into private servers controlled by private intelligence and cyber security contractors, aka The Analysis Corporation, Global Strategies Group and Canadian Global Information.”

Beginning to get the picture how this cyber subterfuge works?

Unfortunately this video has now been TANKED by YouTube.

Reason: "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on hate speech."

Imagine that! Good news is I did the best I could to give you the info!