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08/14/20 7:58 AM

#1924 RE: I-Man #1923

I agree 100% we could be headed into a civil war but that bodes well for the Red team as we have all the weapons and the tactical brains.
Myself & baby boomers that I know are willing to make a stand for this Country at any cost.We became energy independent thanks to Trump why does that infuriate the left?

U mad bro

08/20/20 1:46 PM

#1932 RE: I-Man #1923

County is going into right wing fascism. Its already Socialist. I take no joy in telling you Trump is not your friend and is not looking out for the good of the country. BOTH sides working together, they are just using socialist communism to facilitate the coming fascism. Exactly as was done in Germany. Trump and Pelosi on same team and working together..

Oh, and Trump will def be put back in office again.. he is the chosen one.. they always take your rights with a fake conservative..Can you imagine them pulling off this corona event with Hillary ?? LOL no chance for this type of success as we'd be already in a civil war.. but the zombie Trump supporters go along with all of this insanity because daddy Trump says its ok. JFK was the last patriotic President this country had