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08/13/20 10:58 PM

#186 RE: Mithras #184

That's a good question Mithras. I'm just speaking for myself; I've never considered myself a pumper or a basher. I comment on stocks I own and sometimes on ones I don't own, but I never try to entice people to buy or sell. I try to stay objective and quote company statistics and facts. When I do make opinion statements, I label them as my opinion. I also never make price per share predictions.

As far as feeling guilty; no I don't feel guilt when I sell and the stock goes down. Like I said, I've been doing this for several years now and I've been on losing side of many trades. I'm pretty sure nobody was feeling guilty for me then.

Guilt, just like falling in love with a stock, fear of losing or missing out, and greed are emotions that don't serve a trader well over the course of a career.

It may sound awful, but I view trading just like a sport, and if you are feeling guilty after winning a game, it doesn't bode well for your future success.


08/13/20 11:05 PM

#187 RE: Mithras #184

No, because I'm NOT certain, ever.

Do you feel guilt in selling out of a position or ‘dumping’ when you are certain that the position is destined to lose value in the near or even immediate term?

I have posted & explained my exit-methodology, and I've posted when I've executed it (VRUS, EXROF, BYZN & GMGI boards for example).

See my posts here for an example.

My scale-out exit-posts on VRUS board were abused and labeled 'FUD'. Several were removed by MODs.

Anyway, I don't feel guilt for publishing my honest thoughts when exiting a trade, nor do I believe it has harmed anyone else's account.

Why would it? As I was just instructed on another board, "nothing you say here matters" LOL.