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12/23/06 2:03 PM

#54558 RE: Corinne #54461

I think Beachbreak said it quite well

I'm sure I speak for most of the "negative" people when I say there is a big difference between owning or formerly owning a stock whose price goes down for legitimate reasons (hey it happens), and a stock where the management does nothing but lie and scam you and put out ridiculous and bogus PRs over and over.

When most people lose money in the markets, it's not easy, but you tend to chalk it up to life, but when you get scammed out of that is a bit harder to just shrug your shoulders and say "oh well."

It's not easy seeing your investment sink to new levels while the CEO & Chairman take Quarter Million Dollar paychecks and then bonuses on top of that!

Funny how some of you just say "you take it in stride and look for the good in things." Would you feel the same way if you were mugged on the street by some scumbag who stole your money? Or a burglar who stole your belongings?