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08/05/20 6:47 PM

#1916 RE: XFundManager #1915

Xfund what do u think of the upcoming earnings report with the merger being completed will the new money from the spaq be shown I’m not sure how this all works just wanted to get ur take on it thanx in advance


08/05/20 6:59 PM

#1917 RE: XFundManager #1915

I would be happy with $8 and change to get back to even and than go up from there. If you have not noticed, every SPAC play, none have ever fallen below their original issue price except for this one, and it's down over 50% from what the original ticker was lying dormant at. That is why, something is screwy here, I am long, and understand ups and downs, but this ticker, has never been up from day 1, just a straight freefall to where it currently hovers, with a couple of good days, but 85% RED or barely a pulse days. HOFV, could and should be higher, but until mgmt shows us something solid, I will call them out for what they are, and nothing less.


08/05/20 7:02 PM

#1918 RE: XFundManager #1915

I appreciate your enthusiasm, X and I certainly hope you're right. Next Monday's ER will be telling. It's the first time to officially and publicly pitch this company to institutional investors and not just talk about past earnings, but all the future revenue streams they're looking to engage in.

If the investors don't bite, and if the stock doesn't rise and rise substantially in the days/week following, I'm afraid this might be stuck in the mud for a year until next August with a COVID-less season and more of their avenues more mature.

I wish I could see $100 like you do by the end of the year. I just don't see it right now. You'd think the institutions would know about it and realize what this company is all about. I guess we'll find out soon enough.