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Mr. Fister

08/04/20 12:55 PM

#161391 RE: zerohedge #161390

V-shaped recovery they say.
Hope you bought plenty at 0,06 :-)


08/04/20 1:08 PM

#161396 RE: zerohedge #161390

From 5c to 39c, to be correct.
As we know that the company is for real and make money, more will come.
Still time for you to make some money zero.
Must be a better feeling than only screaming fraud.....


08/06/20 12:17 PM

#161472 RE: zerohedge #161390

Zero it's in the 50s now and looking to hit a couple bucks. I am one of the homeless as you said- but happy for all here- a friend of mine has lost over $1 million shorting GSX- seems like Chinese stocks are red hot. Key is low volume- if nobody sells, it can go up and up!