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08/04/20 12:56 PM

#316990 RE: centillion #316978

How else could one take it?

Prior data showed that B stopped/killed CV19 prior to it being able to establish in in human tissue.

This data showed that B killed CV19 from tissue that was already infected with CV19.

Note from the PR that they state directly that Brilacidin is showing consistent and robust activity across the viral lifecycle (that means the entire lifecycle of the virus)that means it will prevent infection and also treat patients who already are infected. Brilacidin has proved it does it all - listed as a treatment but actually doing the job of being BOTH a vaccine (except that it doesn't cause anti-bodies to be formed)and a treatement. Could not ask for more.
"As Brilacidin is showing consistent and robust anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity across the viral lifecycle, the Company believes the drug could be used as a treatment for preventing infection with COVID-19, as well as for treatment of patients once infected."