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08/04/20 11:58 AM

#90119 RE: Raffis #90113

A simple Question that DECN should be able to answer easily and unambiguously:

What is the LOD (limit of detection) of the Genviro SWIFT KIT?*
This is a key characteristic of ANY diagnostic assay. It s a vital piece of information with regard to the function and utility of a device. It is an important characteristic in determining where the diagnostic test might be useful and where conversely it might not be suitable. It is also a key comparitor for comparing between one diagnostic method with other competitive ones. I can find this information fairly readily for all teh sytems that have EUAs approved. And it is a required part of the EUA application process.

And it is also one of the first things that you would learn about in the course of the method development of any diagnsotci assay. As well as a critical part of the reguatry submission and the validation testing design. You know it works because above a certain level of analyte, you get a positive result (detectio) , and below a certain level of anayte you get a negative result (not detected) - with some confidence intervals allowed. At some point, you dilute your positive test sample, it reaches apoint when it gets mistaken for a negative test sample. Now that cut off point is critical. Until you know where that point is, you have no idea whether yur test even works, let alone how useful it is!

But DECN have never stated or even hinted or even implied what the LOD for genviro is?
You woudl expect that to be trumpeted there wth great fanfare : test time - 10.5s (check), Sample volume : 1-2uL (check). Limit of detection - Er.. where is it?

And there is a one very good reason for that absence: THEY HAVE NOT YET SUCCESSFULLY DETECTED ANY VIRUS WITH GENVIRO, let alone worked out what the critical concentration is below which it stops working! Because it never started working!


^Note the Hatsuki paper referenced by DECN in their Genviro presentation on the Pharmatech website describes a fundamental limitation for the non linear impedance spectroscopy placing the LOD at >1x10^11 VP/ml. And Hatsuki's system was for more elaborate and better engineered than DECN has access to!

When Covid 19 infections are tested, they typically show up at concetrations in the range of roughly 10^3 to 10^9 Vp/ml. Generally in teh mucoa. Not normally within the bood. I have previously posted Scientific literature articles from respected journals that support this assertion, so I am not asking anyone to take my word for it.
Bottom line is this: