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08/04/20 11:55 AM

#316964 RE: Jayarmil #316841

This PR was major news for Brilacidin.

Prior to this, all we had was test data that showed Brilacind was highly effective in preventing people from getting CV19.

Today's PR now reports that further test data confirms that Brilacidin works effectively against CV19 for patients that already have CV19. It confirms Brilacidin working against the entire lifecycle of the virus.

To me, that is major news. That pretty much tells me that, although we need human testing to confirm same, that we will see Brilacidin as the go-to treatment for CV19. Brilacidin being the true "golden arrow" to shoot down CV19 has become a much greater possibility due to this data.

I expect the selectivity ratio to be quite high, the human trials to go very well, and Brilacidin to save many lives.

All that is left is then for Brilacidin to be put into some sort of nubelizer-form so that the world's population can take it and allow many forms of activity currently not possible due to social distancing requirements to be revoked. Brilacidin may allow the world to go back to some semblance of what it was like prior to CV19.