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08/01/20 3:05 PM

#1626 RE: surfkast #1625

I discovered this board about a year ago. When you first showed up at a few stocks I use to own I couldn't stand you. I thought you were only there to short a stock and bring down moral. But discovering this board and losing the money I did on those stocks has really opened my eyes. I hope you continue the good fight and keep up the good work. I was involved in CGLD and was going to hold onto that stock until your friends showed up. Glad I got out with some profit and not contributing to another one of Joseph Wade's scams. I hope your trades are doing well in 2020 and you have a good weekend. Take care and continue the good fight surf :)

Also thanks for pointing out VTXB. That's another scam you called from the beginning. LMAO you have a real nack for calling BS on these scams :)