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Jelly Bean

07/30/20 1:23 PM

#89788 RE: plutoniumimplosion #89785

But as I have read on this board DECN has no saliva test, will never have a saliva test or any test, and is a total fraud. So go figure

You are correct on all counts.


07/30/20 1:40 PM

#89791 RE: plutoniumimplosion #89785

plutoniumimplosion, PE200232 = DECN serial number

April 7 PR: DECN received the Pre-EUA Acknowledgement and device serial number on Saturday, April 4, 2020.

Have you ever seen the Acknowledgement Letter that DECN received from FDA???


07/30/20 1:46 PM

#89793 RE: plutoniumimplosion #89785

Not to disabuse you, but I would bet other tests are on the way!


07/30/20 1:53 PM

#89794 RE: plutoniumimplosion #89785

...because those kits involve using a pipette at several steps and I just cannot see an at home user acting like a lab tech.

This is EXACTLY the reason the FDA will NEVER Authorize a Home Test that requires a pin-prick blood sample! The DECN GenViro! Swift Home Kit, which requires a blood sample, is a non-starter! Thanks for the incite!


07/30/20 2:56 PM

#89801 RE: plutoniumimplosion #89785

But as I have read on this board DECN has no saliva test

DECN has no WORKING saliva test!
That is what you have read on this board. I have no doubt that Berman could spit on a pet testing strip and call it 'Susan' if he liked. And demonstrate it to the shreholders to pump a few million dilutive shares on teh back of it. In fact, I am surprised he hasn't already, and am just waiting for the video of that very thing to be released. (Maybe he is waiting for the SEC heat to die down a bit first who knows? Squeaky bum time eh, Keith???)

But I fully expect a fully non-functioning prototype to be unveiled with great fanfare and hubris at some point - soon even - as one in the eye to the <ahem> cabal and the SEC! Berman heroically triumphs over adversity again. Too easy not to!

Except that the damn thing will be COMPLETE PANTS when it comes to ACTUALLY diagnosing Covid 19, will never get approved, and will never achieve actual sales.

But there you go!


07/30/20 10:10 PM

#89835 RE: plutoniumimplosion #89785

Everyday since I joined 25/7. Lol


07/31/20 7:50 AM

#89836 RE: plutoniumimplosion #89785

I've read on this board that the SEC suspended trading in this stock for 2 weeks. I've read on this board that the company diluted shareholders by 50% in just the past year. I've also read here that the company has written off debts to others, at the expense of the company, without explaining it adequately, to shareholders.

I've also read here the the SEC found that the company didn't even have a working prototype, yet they were touting the device and publishing forecasts in the hundreds of millions of units, before they even knew if any manufacturer would be able to produce said units in that time frame

I've also read here that the company losses over a $1 million a year, closer to $2 million on their existing mature business.

I've also read here that there is no shareholder voting, and no independent board of directors, the most basic fundamental aspects of American public businesses.

I've also read here the company was said to donate tens of thousands of test kits months ago, but hasn't.

I've also read here, posted by people close to the company, that DECN was "next" in line for FDA approval, nearly two months ago.

I've also read that the CEO boasted for years about winning the lawsuit against J&J, even to the point to posting silly "predictions" of the outcome, only to lose the lawsuit, after having spent, conservatively, many tens of thousands in legal fees.

So, really, go figure that!

My Proof policy.... I will only consider replying to requests for "proof" backing up my posts, if the person requesting it has responded (adequately) to at LEAST 80% of proof requests made to them.)

AKA, "What's good for the goose....."


07/31/20 8:22 AM

#89840 RE: plutoniumimplosion #89785

I doubt despite that press release that the FDA is in a big hurry to let people self diagnose themselves at home because they would lose track of actual figures. Maybe though. The only way the Govt would want self-diagnosis with subpar devices is if they wanted to panic people and overwhelm hospitals. Some people claim that up 90% of people with CoVid have virtually no symptoms, but of course they can transmit the virus.

There are saliva tests right now that are cleared by the FDA. There will be more.

I would bet DECN has a GenViro test by now, the question is whether it works or not.

When are the foreign contracts going to be announced? Surely you can get the names of the Companies that Berman wrote off $450,000, you know, the companies that had to close before March for CoVid.