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07/29/20 7:58 PM

#199871 RE: raspaman #199870

Agree Mark and Neilsen are criminals..ARYC Medicare Fraud


07/29/20 8:00 PM

#199872 RE: raspaman #199870

Already charged....Medicare Fraud/Conspiracy ARYC Post suspension and investigation continues as the threads unravel on others.


07/29/20 8:10 PM

#199874 RE: raspaman #199870

Lmao small crime...............LMFAO there is no such thing as small crime when it comes to the Market manipulation and fraud, and the list goes on.


07/29/20 8:26 PM

#199875 RE: raspaman #199870

Small crimes??? Back to normal?

Wow, considering the language coming out of the DOJ, that doesn't even seem remotely possible. You should ask Dr. Julie about things going back to normal now that she admitted guilt. She obviously took some kind of deal admitting to a fraud conspiracy. I'm sure she sang like a bird to keep out of prison. That's not a guarantee by the way. Either way as a felon here's a few rights she will lose:

Possessing and purchasing a firearm.
Jury duty.
Traveling outside the country.
Employment in certain professions.
Parental rights.
Public assistance and housing.

And considering the fraud was against Medicare, they can remove her from those benefits. That's a whole different kind of normal. Not to mention being a convicted doctor in a community where even friends will mumble under their breath when she walks into a room.

IMHO, I don't see them coming after her for conspiracy as she pointed the finger at Dr Schena and CEO#1, then all of the sudden say let's just slap Dr Schena on the wrist and go about our way. They made this case global news as the first COVID-19 fraud/SEC case. I doubt they want to be embarrassed or have a "Whoops we goofed!"outcome after all of the expense of the investigation and the cost to bring charges. Just my thoughts. If it turns out there's a deal that he accepts where he's not a felon, then I will comeback and say how wrong my perception was. But as the quote says below, I think they are bringing everything they have.

nvestigating COVID-19 fraud scams billed to federal health programs — such as those charged here — are a top priority for our agency,” and that anyone “seeking to maximize profits while misleading investors should expect to pay a heavy price, especially now.”