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07/29/20 12:20 PM

#2627 RE: DiscoverGold #2626

BANKING those divi's & have been building a NO COST FREE riding position while the stock was trading sub-39's ESPECIALLY it offered up one swing trade after another!

But I always held back some shares so the profits were put to good use. I do NOT see how this stock does NOT get back into the high 40's & 50's under the current economic climate BUT I'm ALL ABOUT advantaging these inefficiencies.

The stock makes shareholders MONEY & puts out that divi. Why NOT be in this? I don't see what other's do that LET THIS STOCK trade around the low or sub-$40's but I haven't HAD TO! Just doing my thing! And grateful there are SO MANY numbnutz around out there paying attention to all kinds of NONSENSE that DOES NOT MATTER!!

Soon I will LOAD up cheap calls, as I have in the past, & JUST HOLD LONG (when I feel this guy is ready to POPPITY POP!). Until then, just could NOT be happier with MO! GLA