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07/27/20 6:31 PM

#17236 RE: vdb_123 #17234

How many trillionaires are there in the world?

interesting...can the world survive the emergence of trillionaire 'gods'...mere 'humans' who own everything...? dystopia rising...? go xrp!

"...There are millionaires and billionaires, but what about trillionaires...?

"...The world has 46.8 million millionaires, collectively owning $158.3 trillion. On top of this, there are according to Forbes, 2,153 billionaires. But how many trillionaires are there?

First, what constitutes a trillionaire? A trillionaire is someone whose wealth is greater than one trillion dollars (or other currency).

In numerals, it's 1,000,000,000,000 and is also known as 10 to the 12th power. It's an astronomical figure that is hard to envisage, so put another way for clarity, it's one million million.

A trillionaire could afford to give every person alive today on the planet each $140. That's a staggering amount of money for one person to have..."

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07/27/20 6:33 PM

#17237 RE: vdb_123 #17234

This will really bake your noodle then as the creators of XRP designed it to go as high as $10k. I don’t see it going that high though as all the assets of the world would have to flow through it to get it that high. Is it possible? Well, if it was designed that way then of course it is. Will it though? Who knows...

Ripple (XRP) may hit $ 10,000 according to a billion dollar forecast posted on Forbes