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Scooter McCabe

07/27/20 5:43 PM

#98870 RE: justdafactss #98864

On safety results alone we are head and shoulders above everyone else. So even on our worst day if we barely push the needle and turn in Remdesivir level results, the choice is clear.

With the lack of safety issues hospitals and physicians have less physical and legal complications to worry about.

Of course what matters is the person in the hospital bed:

That person is told they have the choice between two drugs. Both work the same, however one isn't a brand name. The other is a brand name but will burn out your liver and turn your heart into a sloppy beating mess.

Someone in that bed, facing the existential crisis of mortality isn't going to pick the brand name. They aren't going to say "give me the drug that gets me out of the frying pan but puts me right in the middle of the fire."

That is how we will be leap frogging other drugs.


07/27/20 5:43 PM

#98871 RE: justdafactss #98864

Safety is in the bag, and 63% reduction in SEA’s in m/m clinical trial. I don’t need see the rest of the data to know that the drug will blow the SOC away and be used as EAU or fda approved. Please show me any other drug that has lowered the SAE by 63%. I know of one in England and it’s stock went up 540% in 1 day