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07/27/20 1:42 PM

#98756 RE: hobartknoll #98748

So we can agree here... there’s no one testing Fad masks and efficacy. However, since those who weren’t prepared for this don’t have N95 or P100 masks they are just doing the best they can.

It’s about viral load (again not zero sum). Bruce Patterson (LL hero name drop) also supports this theory. If you can reduce the amount of virus you’re exposed to then you can in effect reduce the impact to the immune system.

In a pandemic it’s panic and you do what you can but by no means are Old Navy boxers meant to be a prophylaxis against inhalation.

When you see someone’s glasses fogging up with a mask on... that’s a sign. But if it cuts the exposure if half when walking through a sneeze storm then great.

Also, when you share objects with someone and then touch your mouth/nose when taking the mask off then you’ve negated the whole point.

Again, not zero sum. It requires diligence and an understanding of the science... the Faucis are just trying to limit the damage in an ill prepared individualizing society.

Good luck to him on that... data shows people will do what they want and convince themselves it’s right.


07/27/20 2:56 PM

#98786 RE: hobartknoll #98748

"Anecdotes don't come off ECMO".
Most of you people that think that it should be an option to wear a mask believed this statement by BP, but can't believe the science and info on wearing masks can change over the course of the pandemic.
At the outset they didn't believe there were enough masks for everyone to wear, and the data was thin on everyone wearing one, so they wanted to keep as many masks as possible for health care workers.
As other countries and now states, started wearing almost any kind of mask their number of cases declined along with social distancing. And as scientist are want to do they change there hypothesis when confronted with new evidence.(Including Fauci, on Masks> We'll see when Lero data comes out). Latest studies have shown that the States and countries that have MANDATED the wearing of mask, their covid numbers are lower.
Why do you think there are so few cases in Japan, 1 they bow while greeting and 2 they are a country of people that follow the rules. Look at California, they started out with low numbers and made mask wearing optional, it wasn't mandated until their numbers started to climb in June. To little to late.
Also Mask wearing only works if EVERYONE wears it. The person not wearing it can still pass it along very easily, no one is wearing N95s or P100s.
Also N95s and P100s don't stop you from passing it on, they have exhalation valves, they do a very good job of keeping people from getting covid.