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07/27/20 11:57 AM

#80311 RE: BigBaboon #80310

From: In letter to OTC Market Groups,dated April 25,2020
MORGAN E. PETITTI ATTORNEY AT LAW that has been employed by
Auryn Mining Compnay, to provide Adequate Current Information for the Issuer: Annual Report for the Period Ended December 31, 2019,
He states that Auryn is is pursuing an identified business plan (a mining and exploration company with ownership and control of an excess of 10,500 hectares of mining claims comprising the Altos de Lipangue mining district), maintains assets valued at $44,800,000.00(mining concession).
Maurizio had said in a mining journal the ADL was worth millions, possibly even billions...
Maurizio, the lawyer referenced that you had a stated business plan...what is the "stated business plan"...shareholders would like to know.
Weather will be improving in Chile. Execute your business plan!!! And keep shareholders informed as you promised.