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07/26/20 1:42 PM

#339741 RE: ocbadger #339739

history not relevant at this point...just split milk...Nasrat controls the offer no solution except get rid of Nasrat..that's not a solution..

Actually, I have not been calling to get rid of Nasrat. For God's sake, I haven't even called for getting rid of Mikah! And it's not just history. Our opioid ANDA's could have contributed $50M last year. And this year. And next year. And every year after that. Maybe more. It matters what he did, and it will continue to matter every year going forward.

Here are my goals:

1. Ongoing oversight with an independent auditor for both Elite & Mikah who will guarantee that material events for Mikah are reported to Elite shareholders.

2. Establish the details of the Adderall Purchase Agreement between Mikah and SunGen, including and especially any partners or financing involved.

3. Establish a protocol for the transfer of the Adderall ANDA's from Mikah to Elite and immediately begin the protocol.

How could any Elite shareholder possibly object to any one of the above goals?

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The ELTP King

07/26/20 8:51 PM

#339782 RE: ocbadger #339739

That is a solution and would solve most if not all our problems.

Me and several others want him gone.

How much you want to bet if they announced a new CEO tomorrow morning the stock would jump 30-50%?

That 30-50% jump in PPS is the market telling you what they think of Nasrat.

you offer no solution except get rid of Nasrat..that's not a solution..