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07/25/20 2:37 PM

#10686 RE: smoki #10685

Just 1 other thing to consider about South Korea.

Per capita - South Korea has the 2nd largest number of hospital beds in the world.

More than 4 times the number of hospital beds per capita as Canada or the USA.

Japan is Numero Uno:

So let's take a closer look at the 113 new cases reported in South Korea.

The article does not reveal where the covid infections are located inside of South Korea.

However, let's assume their ALL in Busan, SK where Algernon's study is located.

Given there are 28 hospitals in Busan designated for covid, the average number of patients each hospital would have received is 4 patients of 113 or 3.5% of 113 patients.

That's a best case lottery ticket scenario.

If you extrapolate the 113 new cases out to all of South Korea's reported hospitals - Algernon would have a 3/5ths of 1% chance of getting just 1 patient - much less any additional patients.

Overall, South Korea has a reported 341 large general hospitals and 1,510 hospitals.

A total of 1851 Hospitals with upwards of 70,000 Hospital beds.

How many of those hospitals outside of Busan would also be treating covid patients?

All I'm saying is the overall numbers in SK makes it nearly improbable, if not impossible, to get to 20 patients in a reasonable time frame.

Personally, I think my opinion falls in line with all indications from Christopher Moreau, CEO.

I hear no joy in his voice when discussing the South Korea study.

However, everyone's opinion(s) here is just as good as anyone else's.

We're all considered equal inside this Computer World.

The Real that's an altogether different story.

Peace 2x,




07/25/20 2:48 PM

#10687 RE: smoki #10685

Investigator-led COVID-19 study in South Korea

One research site was initiated at the end of May, 2020, and two sites were initiated in early June for the investigator-led COVID-19 phase 2 trial in South Korea. Dr. Dong Sik Jung, professor, in the division of infectious disease of Dong-A University Hospital, has now begun the process of screening patients.®ion=C
Research institutions

I'm disappointed with SK's results thru Novotech too. Expected completed research as planned. SKoreans are usually very prompt and take responsibilities for plans and promises. I feel we may still see results even at these late dates.

Novotech and GVI apparently have the contacts for patients in many of the hot spots for COVID. I feel the initial IPF trial should fill fast too and cant see any reason for delays awaiting countries or states where enrollments may be slow.
With the building science from sources to back Dr William's research there should be plenty of impetus to be moving ASAP...