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07/24/20 9:15 PM

#194 RE: bigone #192

Wow!! This is going in the right direction

Close to 40 people took their Friday night with big sun outside to be present in the business overview! This is about 4 time the amount of people in the regular AGM ;-)

What we learned!
At this price they don’t need financing to restart the giant and are on track to make gold out of it by end of September

They plan on giving back to shareholders by Dividend and Stock buy back as soon as the money permit it. It was said around june of next year because now they are in preproduction year for the giant and spend money on speeding it so we can profit from high price of gold.

They have a team and are planning for succession. They will hire more people with the extra cash to work with Hinse and eventually be able to replace him.

They will make more promotion and make more on the English side

They will have all the staff they need because Kirkland lake closed 2 mines and return Quebec’s worker home so there is no staffing problem to be expected

They have no debt and already have 4 M$ in government hand for rehab of Sleeping giant making more assets.

They can easily double production with Sleeping Giant

Elder is getting ritcher the deeper its get and they are about to hit silidor fault and mouilleuse fault. They plan that in 2 year Elder will be producing 25K ounces as oppose to the 15 now.

There is no bid but they are aware that bigger player are looking at them.

To me this all means LOAD UP!!!!
Good luck with you investments guys the train is leaving the station.
Wow!! This is going in the right direction!

by RPM111