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07/24/20 12:50 PM

#161156 RE: Handlamera #161155

The current price does not reflect the following, which are all part of the settlement:
1. Execution of he TriWay shares distribution
2. A new board member with veto power over further dilution
3. Consideration of eliminating, distributing, or sunsetting the A-shares

Beyond these items, SIAF remains profitable, and the price does not reflect that either.

With all these positives, I would expect buying to continue, and the price to continue rising. I agree with RD that it should be able to reach between .50 and 1.00 with everything now in place.

Many may not even know of this settlement at this point. It's only really been discussed here on ihub.

Once the notice goes out, and the 8K is filed, I think a lot of new eyes will be looking at SIAF.