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12/20/06 8:38 PM

#636 RE: geoly31 #635

We are actually in better shape now then we were after the AGM because of increased interest in both properties. I hope like everyone for the JV to be done and over with soon. However, everyone here should know that all the ugly people come out of the woodwork whenever something big is about to happen.

Kind of like the guy who hears about the neighbor who just one the lottery and is now worth millions. The Bozo neighbor all of a sudden gets an outhouse attorney to make any claim possible to try and get a buck off his neighbor. MDMN recent update shows this has been the case but is now taken care of. I agree timelines at the AGM should not have been given but most knowledgeable investors would know doo doo occurs. Unforeseen events take place which causes delays. Majors may have caused some of the delays but were not going to piss them off by making a PR stating such.

What’s next? We need to realize those holding the money will dictate that. I am hoping with more interested parties at the table it will help speed up the conclusion of the JV. We are on their time table! Not JJ’s, not Les Price, not the BOD of CDCH or MDMN.

I realize many with these stocks have waited for up to 10 years. Much has happened with very lousy results. Heck, I have been waiting for 7 years and I have family who has waited almost 10 years. It has really only been in the last 14 months that things were finally put together the way it should be so that a real MAJOR would be interested. (For example; enough property acquired to make it worth a Major’s time to JV with us)

So, if we look at it from that point of view, the timing really isn’t that bad. Yes it still is too long for me too! LOL

Hey, what else can we expect? We live in a society of drive thru service, get it now and pay me later. Many of us have loss the ability to have some patience. Yes, I know pass history with MDMN has helped cause this lack of patience.

So, we wait a little longer. Sit back everyone, enjoy the Holidays! May all of us prosper! I will look forward to Jan with great expectations. You know my stock just might cover the money my wife spent this year on Christmas. LOL Just kidding if she reads this!
