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07/22/20 6:09 PM

#65852 RE: VivavegasAKQJ10 #65845

The SEC doesn’t give two squirts of piss about this obvious caveat emptor scam. They have bigger fish to fry. If there was an open SEC investigating here, it would be the company and their criminal associates who gets in trouble, not the people exposing them by digging up the truth.

Dragon Lady

07/22/20 6:10 PM

#65853 RE: VivavegasAKQJ10 #65845


One from the Kisa-the-THUG archive files (SEC has them w/ several attorneys assigned to this case now) - the grand LIE and FRAUD of "imminent completion and GRAND OPENING of GIFA LAND, the Disneyland of the TRNC" blah blah blah ALL FRAUD, ALL LIES, ALL BULLSHIT that never even existed !!

Aul "knew" of this too- and yet still "assisted" these shit hole TRNC based criminal cons. NOT GOOD for Billy boy, not good at all :(


Where the hell did it go, LMAO ???? Complete with STOLEN DISNEYLAND images and all ?????

Kisa said, "COMPLETION IS IMMINENT", you know, like "in the coming days" or "in the coming months", as real as some fantasy BULLSHIT "shareholder meeting" with a freaking date of ONE YEAR FROM NOW LMAO !!!

BULLSHIT ALERT !! RED ALERT !! This is a criminal penny scam-n-con:

MORE of GIFA LAND that never was - never even owned the dirt to build the total scam and lie and fraud which Kisa pitched as "NEARING COMPLETION" for years to sucker shareholders into buying this dog shit worthless stock:


"Gifa Land is open 7 days a week between 09:00 - 21:00 and is at your service for all our small and big guests to have fun."

LMAO - a NON EXISTENT "place" and "theme park" that NEVER EXISTED and the thug Kisa put "hours we're open" and a menu of ripped off photshopped McDonalds food pictured right next to it LOL !

What a F-ing idiot that thug and wanted criminal Kisa really is. No wonder he was finally arrested and is out on bail hiding in the "free zone" shit hole of the TRNC, where he also lives.


STOLEN IMAGE of thee entrance to thee Disneyland USA = FRAUD n CON !

MORE CLASSIC KISA Lie-n-BULLSHIT con and fraud speak:


"Gifa Land was established within Gifa Global, one of the leading companies in our country.

Gifa Land is open 7 days a week between 09:00 - 21:00 and is at your service for all our small and big guests to have fun."

LMAO - NO, NO, NO "it WAS NOT open" LOL !! The damn place NEVER EXISTED and still DOES NOT EXIST ! Them's the facts folks.

Yusuf Kisa is a serial criminal, a con, and fraud. GIFA INC ($GIFX) is just one of his latest con jobs = just that simple :)