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07/22/20 2:18 AM

#313821 RE: Snackman #313820

"Be careful. OTC stocks can be tricky." :) You are speaking to an OG when it comes to OTC.. got my PhD on the streets.. lol
"They either have to partner up or sell more stock." or receive a Grant:)

Good general warning for anyone buying or selling stocks "No guarantees here." but I still like the odds:)

Good luck in your investments.


07/22/20 2:48 AM

#313822 RE: Snackman #313820

I agree that 99.99% of OTC stocks are not worth investing a penny of your fiances into.
IPIX is the ONLY OTC company where I have opened up my wallet.
I don't even look further into the OTC wasteland beyond IPIX.
IPIX "IS" the one OTC that has the possibility of being the one investment you tell your grandchildren about on your private island.

Either have the B---S to roll the dice or don't...Just waiting on that one news release that will unleash the beast.. My money is on IPIX. It's only money if I am wrong but generally I am not wrong, just ask my wife.


07/22/20 6:11 AM

#313831 RE: Snackman #313820

Or get a grant which IPIX will receive. I agree, no guarantees but it looking really good...

Go Leo & IPIX!