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Good Sport

07/20/20 7:50 PM

#23949 RE: fantomphan #23948

I've don't recall deleting a post of Tech.
I did put a sticky on his post #23765 which is the first one. Are you able to see the yellow sticky posts? Which post are you referring to?


07/20/20 8:34 PM

#23960 RE: fantomphan #23948

Not sure how many angioplasties, valve replacements, MRI's for torn hamstrings, aductors, tummy tucks, nose jobs, knee replacements...All these are not life or death situations, and can wait if the patient has any brains. You could always go to a private radiology lab to have the pictures done, they don't shoot covids, but most full service medical centers will be taking pictures of potential covid cases to verify the glass granulation seen in the lobes. I would not follow that patient into the MRI no matter how much the staff washes down the walls and equipment. I might be wrong, but I believe the cause of the delay of the Refresh 2 trial was a screw up by the MD who was released from CTSO's employ. Problem may have come to light within a day or two of the Quarterly report. I don't remember... BARDA's decision to concentrate on vaccines was announced after we saw signs of their commitment to our therapy. I do agree, we could use a lot more transparency, however on the other hand, we don't want to give too much away to others who are trying to emulate us, and beat us to the goal line. I believe we are in a good spot right now, I hope nobody has misled us, as that would be the worst case and probably cause me to cut and run after 10 years of holding.