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07/19/20 1:56 PM

#621554 RE: bcde #621552

1. Yes
2. No. SCOTUS clearly said that the structure may be the same but there are issues beyond that which may be large enough differences between CFPB/FHFA to merit a look.

1) can cases be withdrawn from supreme Court because both the parties agreed for something?"

When SCOTUS takes cases which involve interpretation of constitution and laws, probably SCOTUS does not care even if both the parties agree and settle. SCOTUS will rule anyway.

"2) If yes, by default won't CFPB rule apply for FHFA also? That it is an independent body and can be dismissed by President"

CFPB ruling applies to all cases. SCOTUS has taken Collin's case to rule on additional issues.


07/19/20 2:47 PM

#621557 RE: bcde #621552

Thanks for the response